比賽當日辦理報到時,請出示有效附相片及出生日期之身份證明文件副本(如身份證或護照)於「報到處」報到。 For registration on event day, please present a copy of valid document showing recently photo and date ofbirth, for example, ID or passport, at report desk.
U10及以下組別必須使用 0 號劍作賽。U10 and under category MUST use size 0 weapon.
U11 – U17 可使用0至5號劍作賽。U11 – U17 category can use size 0-5 weapon.
一經報名及完成繳費後如取消比賽,不設退款。逾時報到,當作棄權,大會有權取消其參賽資格。No refund nor transfer to other purpose once payment made. Late comers will be elimiated.The organiser reserves the rights to disqualify him/her from participating in the competition.